ISSN 2773-7438
práctica clínica, que permita la intervención temprana del usuario teniendo en cuenta un esquema
a seguir en el proceso de tratamiento y mejorando los resultados.
PalabrasClaves: Calidad de vida, evaluación, actividades de la vida diaria, características clínicas,
características funcionales, enfermedad cerebro vascular.
Objective: To analyze the clinical and functional characteristics of users with vascular brain disease.
Justication: A sustainable database will allow starting towards the elaboration of a specic clinical
practice guide in the area of occupational therapy that allows the intervention process to be structured
and directed from scientic evidence to professionals specialized in the subject.
Methods: It is an observational, descriptive and eld investigation, for which techniques and methods
were used: For the demographic characteristics the clinical record was used. For the clinical
characteristics the sensorimotor battery of the upper extremities of Fugl Meyer was used. Functional
Independence Measurement (FIM) and Instrumental Daily Life Activities batteries by Lawton and
Brody were used for the functional characteristics. For the clinical and functional characteristics, the
battery of specic Quality of Life Scale for Stroke (SS-QOL) was used.
Results: The results obtained were indicators of the characteristics of each user after suering a
vascular brain event, thus being more aected the male sex; their levels of performance in the basic
activities of daily life are more potent than their performance in the activities of instrumental daily life,
given by their decit at the motor level by the main sequence found in users, hemiparesis.
Conclusion: The project concluded by demonstrating the existence of the close relationship between
the clinical and functional characteristics of the users, with their quality of life, since presenting
special motor alterations triggers a series of diculties for their autonomous performance in all life
activities daily The development of a clinical practice guide was proposed, which allows early user
intervention taking into account a scheme to follow in the treatment process and improve the results.
Keywords: Quality of life, evaluation, activities of daily living, clinical characteristics, functional
characteristics, vascular brain disease.
Recibido: 15-01-2021 ● Aceptado: 04-04-2021
Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la enfermedad cerebrovascular es una de las
enfermedades no transmisibles que constituye la tercera causa de muerte a nivel mundial, además
se posiciona como el primer causante de discapacidad tanto en adultos como en adultos mayores. La
terapia ocupacional interviene en el proceso de rehabilitación desde el instante en que el usuario es
autorizado por el médico para iniciar el tratamiento, en esta parte es importante conocer al usuario,
sus antecedentes, el tipo de enfermedad cerebro vascular y las características clínicas y funcionales,
para de esta forma por medio de actividades con propósito lograr los objetivos planteados.
Se estiman que de los 15 millones de personas que sufren enfermedad cerebro vascular al año,
5 millones mueren y otros 5 millones presentaran una discapacidad permanente. Según el estudio
de varios organismos internacionales una de cada seis personas en el mundo sufrirá algún tipo de
Caracterización clínica y funcional de usuarios con enfermedad cerebro vascular
Arauz, Ortega, León, Caycedo